Micah Beckwith states that people that support abortion rights are evil and are sacrificing children to evil gods

Posted by on October 13, 2024 12:58 pm
Categories: State News

00:29:46 Micah Beckwith

In preparing the way for Jesus, who was also a fetus at that at that moment. So if you’re Christian and you’re in alignment with abortion in any way, shape or form, you are absolutely outside the will of God. You’ve given yourself over to the spirit of Moloch. The Israelites were sacrificing children to this idol named Moloch, for, for years in ancient Israel and they were God’s people. So and, and, and that burned, that burned the Lord just, and his, he was so angry that they had taken this God, this demonic God, and not only had they taken the God and committed idolatry with this God, they were sacrificing their babies, live babies to this God, and we’re doing the same thing. And there’s people in the church in America that are, they’re just like the ancient Israelites going right up to the altar of Moloch and, and maybe they themselves haven’t sacrificed a baby, but they’re encouraging or just staying out of it when others are sacrificing their children to, to the altar of Moloch and that’s just as, silence in the face of evil is still evil.

Beckwith, Micah, and Peternel, Nathan, co-hosts. “How to Win The Abortion Argument: Charlie Kirk Coming to Indy: New Friends Join The Show.” Jesus, Sex and Politics, Listen Notes, 13 May 2022, 00:29:46,
