Jennifer McCormick Shows Clear Difference From Mike Braun in Second Debate

Posted by on October 4, 2024 2:12 am
Categories: State News

During Thursday’s All Indiana Politics WISH-TV Gubernatorial Debate, Jennifer McCormick once again made clear how twenty years of one party rule has left Indiana on the wrong track.

“On issue after issue, from property taxes and government accountability to reproductive freedom, cannabis legalization, and job growth, Jennifer McCormick made it clear once again that she has the vision to bring balance and Hoosier common sense back to the Statehouse,” said Indiana Democratic Party Chair Mike Schmuhl. “Indiana is on the wrong track, and this is a real opportunity to elect new leadership that will listen to Hoosiers, not special interests, by making Jennifer McCormick the first woman governor in Indiana history.”

McCormick has the only Commonsense Property Tax Plan which incorporates bipartisan ideas from Republicans and Democrats in the legislature to bring down costs and keep families, seniors, and veterans in their homes.

McCormick’s Commonsense Economic Development Plan would bring much-needed reform to the IEDC to focus once again on regional development and growing opportunities for families

She also addressed her Commonsense Cannabis Plan to legalize medical and recreational marijuana, and have Indiana join the vast majority of states who have ended the complete prohibition on cannabis.

You can find here her other commonsense plans on Utility AffordabilityEducation, and Ethics.

“Over the last two nights, Hoosier voters have seen a clear contrast between my optimistic, hopeful, and commonsense vision for Indiana and Mike Braun’s vision rooted in division, fear, and discrimination,” said McCormick in a campaign press release. “Hoosier values mean investing in working families and small businesses, protecting reproductive freedoms, and being champions for our public schools, and that’s the type of governor I will be.” 

After twenty years of one-party control, we need to put Indiana on the right track. In rankings across the board, Indiana is near the bottom for quality of life, wages, healthcare, and education. See the rankings for yourself: