We Listened So You Don’t Have To: The Micah Beckwith Weird Weekly Roundup: September 25, 2024

Posted by on September 26, 2024 1:07 am
Categories: State News

Welcome back to The Indiana Democratic Party’s weekly series called We Listened So You Don’t Have To: The Micah Beckwith Weird Weekly Roundup, which serves as a one-stop-shop that summarizes all the weird, offbeat, and simply gross things Beckwith says. Prepare yourself people: It gets weird over there. Bonus: At the end of every Roundup, we’ll include the cherry on top, AKA that week’s weirdest moment.

This edition’s items include (and we’re sorry in advance):

  • On September 23, Beckwith — who is running for political office as a book banning former library board member — posted a Tweet stating “Our kids deserve to be kids, not political pawns,” in regards to a nonpartisan pride event to be hosted in Westfield this month. Micah, you’re the one politicizing children. Maybe you should let parents have the freedom to do what they see is best for their kids and stay out of our homes.  
  • This week, Beckwith was a guest on a podcast from the Clearly Speaking Network. During the episode, he said “Because when people don’t govern their own lives based on virtue in their own hearts, then you have to have a really strict government telling people what they can and can’t do.” Micah, your own personal beliefs should not dictate how every Hoosier lives their life. He wants the government in your doctors’ offices and exam rooms.
  • Finally we’d like to remind you that the same guy who talks about “health freedom” is also pushing to make it illegal for women to decide what to do with their bodies even in cases of rape and incest. So much for healthcare freedom, huh Micah?

And the cherry on top? 

In the same podcast episode mentioned earlier, Micah took the battering ram to his own party’s leadership and asserted the INGOP’s longtime weakness:

“In Indiana we’ve got a supermajority, we’ve had it for 10 years, but we haven’t really used it — it seems like we’re scared of our own shadow when it comes to Republicans and conservatives,” he said. “And the proof is in the pudding. When you hear nationally people talk about states that are really strong conservative states they never mention Indiana… I think we’ve been managed well, but poorly led.”

Finally! Something we can all agree on: the Republican supermajority has been bad for Hoosiers. We’ve said it before and we’re saying it again, Indiana is in play this election season.