Micah Beckwith states there is no separation of church and state protection in the US Constitution and states that idea comes from racist ideology that is killing minorities

Posted by on September 23, 2024 12:36 pm
Categories: State News

00:36:06 Micah Beckwith

“Show me in the Constitution, where it says separation of church and state, doesn’t say anywhere. By the way, that was one of Thomas Jefferson’s letters. Thomas Jefferson didn’t even write the Constitution. Just FYI, he wrote the Declaration of Independence. So, the Constitution is our government structure. Declaration of Independence is the “Why” behind liberty. But the Constitution is, that how we maintain that liberty. And when he was, when, when we, when, just so you know, we go down that path real quick because, please, Jefferson he, he basically was, was, he got a private letter from a pastor in Connecticut, of the Danbury Baptist Church in 1803. And he, and, and he said, this pastor said to him, Mr. President, because Thomas Jefferson was the president at the time, Mr. President, I’m afraid that we are going to see the church oppressed like we saw under King George’s tyrannical ruling. And Thomas Jefferson wrote back, again a private letter, not a, not an official government document said, Pastor you don’t have to worry about that. We fought a war of independence. We, we, we did so, so that you could have the freedom to preach what you wanted to preach. And he said, he said there’s a wall of separation of church and state that has been, that has been set up. He never was saying that the church didn’t have a right to be in the government.” 

00:37:20 Micah Beckwith

“And so, and then in the 40s, this is where it gets really interesting. In the 40s, 1940s, there was a KKK Supreme Court Justice. His name was, his name was Hugo Black. He was the Chief Justice. And he hated the church. Why do you think he hated the church so much? Because they kept telling him that racism is bad. KKK shouldn’t be around and he was, he didn’t like that and so he found this letter. There was a case that came before him. He found this letter of Thomas Jefferson said. Ohh, that’s the trick right there. If I, if we, if we say that Thomas Jefferson, a founding father, wanted a wall of separation of church and state, and that means the church has to stay out of the states’ business and, and, and so it was such a warped, fundamentally flawed decision from the get-go. Thomas Jefferson, a founding father. Yes, but had nothing to do with the Constitution. And it was never Thomas’s intention that the church wouldn’t be the conscience of the state he always thought the church should be the conscience of the state. But here’s a KKK guy in the 1940s who wanted to oppress blacks and to, and to vilify blacks. And he used this warped idea to get the church out so he could continue to do that because he knew the church was going to be the moral law that wouldn’t let the KKK get away with flogging and lynching and murdering black people. And so, and, and then here you have the left. Supposedly today the, the, the protectors of minorities are advocating for things that the KKK advocated for in the 40s, separation of church and state. Get Christians out of the government and it’s like, do you guys not know they? I mean they support Margaret Sanger too who was a eugenist that wanted to destroy the black population that’s where Planned Parenthood came from. It’s just like the left is so naive and what they’ve been sold, they’ve been sold a corrupt bill of goods. And then it, it, it literally is the, the, the thing that’s killing minorities that has been killing minorities and the one thing that could protect them, the church, isn’t, they’re trying to kick them out.”

Beckwith, Micah, and Peternel, Nathan, co-hosts. “Monroe North Carolina Mayor Robert Burns.” Jesus, Sex and Politics, Listen Notes, 14 June 2024, 00:36:06, 00:37:20,
