NEW VIDEO: Harris for President Highlights Trump’s Failure to Secure Our Southern Border

Posted by on July 31, 2024 12:21 pm
Categories: National News

In response to Donald Trump’s desperate ad full of lies, we’re rolling out a new video highlighting the choice for voters this fall – between Vice President Harris, who helped lead the way to record low border crossings and has spent her entire career keeping our communities safe, and Donald Trump, who sided with drug traffickers and the cartels to block the strongest, fairest reforms to secure the border in decades.

The following is a statement from Harris for President spokesperson Ammar Moussa:

“After killing the toughest border deal in decades, Donald Trump is running on his trademark lies because his own record and ‘plans’ are extreme and unpopular. As a former district attorney, attorney general, and now vice president, Kamala Harris has spent her career taking on and prosecuting violent criminals and making our communities safer. She’ll do the same as president.”

FACT: Vice President Harris was never the border “czar.” Her role was focused on addressing the root causes of migration.

  • PolitiFact labeled Trump’s claim that Harris was in charge of border security as “false.”
  • Border city mayors just announced their support for the VP, citing her tireless work of delivering for their communities and solutions at the border
  • Vice President Harris visited the border shortly after taking office.

FACT: Under the Biden-Harris administration, border crossings are falling. Donald Trump is lying about border crossings and migrant crime.

  • Migrants were more likely to be released after a border arrest under President Trump than under the Biden-Harris administration.
  • Axios: The myth of a U.S.-Mexico “open border”
  • PolitiFact: “The border is not open.”
  • Politico: “The number of migrants illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has plummeted 40 percent since President Joe Biden clamped down on asylum earlier this month, administration officials said Wednesday.”
  • Washington Post: “Illegal crossings along the U.S.-Mexico border have declined more than 50 percent in the six weeks since President Biden used emergency measures to curb asylum access, the White House said Tuesday, highlighting the drop ahead of a Republican National Convention evening program whose planned focus was crime and security.”

FACT: Trump sided with drug traffickers and criminals to kill a bipartisan bill to make our borders more secure – all because he thought it would help him politically.

FACT: The Biden-Harris administration seized more fentanyl last year than any other administration in history, while Trump’s record is defined by him making the opioid crisis worse and siding with drug traffickers.

  • DEA: “In calendar year 2023, DEA seized more than 77 million fentanyl pills and nearly 12,000 pounds of fentanyl powder. This is the most fentanyl seized by DEA in a single year.”
  • NPR: “Researchers also say fentanyl has continued to spread fast, despite interdiction efforts, contributing to more overdose deaths in the western United States where the synthetic opioid had been scarce. In December [2019], the Government Accountability Office issued a report blasting the [Trump] administration for failing to come up with a coherent national opioid strategy as required by law.”
  • Just last week, the Biden-Harris administration captured two of the most notorious and dangerous drug lords in Mexico.