Jennifer McCormick announces Dr. Terry Goodin as her Running Mate for Lieutenant Governor

Posted by on June 21, 2024 2:37 am
Categories: State News

Jennifer McCormick, Indiana’s Democratic candidate for Governor, named Dr. Terry Goodin as her lieutenant governor running mate for the 2024 general election. 

“Terry Goodin is a life-long public servant and has both the experience and the heart to serve Hoosiers as the next Lieutenant Governor of Indiana,” said Jennifer McCormick. “Terry understands that to govern effectively for all Hoosiers, we must restore civility, common sense, and bipartisanship to the Statehouse. With 24 years of experience as a public school superintendent and 20 years as a member of the Indiana General Assembly, he knows how to lead. Terry’s recent service as State Director for Rural Development with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) demonstrates his knowledge and passion for rural Indiana. I am proud to bring Terry’s credentials, skills, and passion to this ticket to win in November.”

Dr. Goodin’s name will be submitted for nomination as Lieutenant Governor at the 2024 Indiana Democratic Party State Convention, which will be held on July 13th at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis. Delegates from all 92 counties in Indiana will be asked to ratify her nomination

“I am truly honored and humbled to have been chosen by Jennifer to run as her Lieutenant Governor candidate,” said Terry Goodin. “It is time to get our Hoosier state back on the right track and Jennifer McCormick is the right person at the right time to get this done. I will work closely as her partner to make Indiana a better place to live, work, and raise a family.”