Dr. Valerie McCray Issues Statement on Conviction of Former President Donald Trump on All Counts Against Him

Posted by on May 31, 2024 11:22 am
Categories: State News

Dr. Valerie McCray issued the following statement on news that Former President Donald Trump has been convicted on all 34 counts against him in a New York trial: 

“A jury of everyday Americans weighed the evidence and decided to convict the former president for attempting to seize power by denying our freedom to elect our leaders without interference. 

I trust the jurors cared deeply about the job they were tasked with. It was not an easy position for them to be in. I thank the Trump jurors and all others for their service and stand by their verdict. 

We are a country of laws. My opponent Rep. Jim Banks has chosen to stand by the former president despite his felony convictions. He apparently does not believe in the rule of law. I do. Americans across race, place, party and background are coming together to say that in America, the voters decide the outcomes of elections. I ask for your vote in November to help us protect the rule of law in this country. NO ONE is above the law, not even a former president.”